
14,000 Days & Nights

A few days ago, I reached a milestone – 14,000 days of (this) Life!  I think that’s a pretty interesting personal factoid (for me at least).  Not many people might look at their lives from this perspective – but it’s pretty neat when one does. The first thing that comes up for me is “Gratitude”

The Timebug Project: A Global, Open-Source Research Initiative

We are creating the world’s first database of how human beings spend their time and have spent their time across all of human history.  This database will also gather and publish invaluable data about how long things take.  Anything, everything – sorted by critical attributes or aspects, including Location, Time Period and Demographics.  The Timebug

Timebug Year Wheel: Welcome to December 2013

Welcome to December 2013, a unique 31-day period that will come and go only once.  It is a privilege to be alive to experience this month, and hopefully, we all (7 Billion on Planet Earth) will make the most of it. The month consists of 744 hours, and will bring the Year of 2013 to