Goal Setting

4th Quarter – Planning To Win!

In this video, I walk through how to create a simple, one page Vision for a Month, a Quarter – any concrete period of time – to align with our purpose and achieve our goals. With all of the digital noise we have to deal with every day, it can be very refreshing to have

Halftime 2023. 7.7.7.

7 is a magical and lucky number. As the 7th month in the modern Gregorian calendar, July represents the midpoint of the year. Halftime. Time to take a break, catch your breath and reflect on the first half. As we end this first week of July (Day 7) and 2 weeks removed from the Summer Equinox (where the days get shorter for the rest of this half), we take our locker room reflections into a refreshed plan of attack for the back half of 2023.

Multi-Tiered Goal Setting

I am a strong proponent of multi-tiered goal setting.  Set three bars – (MLA) “minimum level of achievement”, (HLA) “high level of achievement” and “BHAG level”.  BHAG = Big Hairy Audacious Goals”.  For example, say that you currently earn around $80,000 and want to earn more money this year.  The Multi-Tiered Goal would look like

Parallel Processing: Finish (2012) Strong & Plan Ahead (for 2013)

Welcome to December 2012!  From today, we have 31 days or 8.5% of the year remaining, to make of it what we may.  Whether you intend to spend more time with your family, boost your performance at work, learn a new skill or successfully complete an exercise regimen, there is still time to do it.

How the Successes and Failures of Others Impact You

To what degree do the goals and aspirations of those who are close to you impact your life?  For example, let’s say you and your best friend get together to create New Year’s Resolutions for 2013.  At the end of next year, you see that you are on track to achieving your aims, while your